Program Live Event - Sunday November the 1st.
October 30, 2020
To celebrate the publishing of our book in English, we will be holding a live 1 hour live event on YouTube., from our log cabin
If you can't make it, the video will be available afterwards.
- Time: 17:00 (5 pm) Brussels Time, which means:
South Afrika: 7 pm, US West Coast: 9 am, US East Coast: 12 (noon)
Sidney: Monday the 2nd, 4 am, Korea: Monday the 2nd, 1 am
1. We are cartoons! Video clip our new book.
2. Welkom: About us, Expeditions, hikes and other fun stuff
3. Pacific Crest Trail.
4. Giving away first book
5. What’s in my backpack
6. Giving away second book
7. Ask us anything: Answering all kinds of questions (PCT, hiking, expeditions, equipment, experiences…)
8. Giving away third book
Free signed book
October 31, 2020
On November 1st, we will be holding an online event to celebrate the release of our book in English. During the event, we'll be raffling off three signed Special Color Editions of the book. Anyone in the world can participate. We will send it to you for free, wherever you live.
To enter the draw, just go to our Facebook page and click on the 'I will attend' button of the event. That's it! We hope you will win it!
Our book in English!
September 18, 2020
Six months with three pairs of Undies
We’re happy to announce that our book has been translated into English.
Not only that, it will be published worldwide by Amazon this holiday season.
Both as a paperback and as an E-book.
Read the first chapters of the book and let us know what you think about it.
Lecture, book and movie: Boekpresentatie en lezing PCT
March 03, 2019
Op 17 maart 2019 wordt in samenwerking met de Centrale Bibliotheek den Haag en de Koninklijke Nederlandse Klim en Bergsportvereniging NKBV, een bijzondere lezing georganiseerd. Deze middag staat in het teken van de Pacific Crest Trail. Wij laten een mooie film over deze tocht zien en tevens zullen we ons boek ‘Een half jaar met drie onderbroeken’ presenteren en signeren.
Aansluitend is er een workshop over ultralichtgewicht langeafstand wandelen.
Tijd: 14:00 – 16:00 Film en lezing over de Pacific Crest Trail, boekbespreking en signeersessie.
16:00 - 17:00 Workshop over lichtgewicht hiken en langeafstand wandelen.
Locatie: Centrale bibliotheek Den Haag, Spui 68, Den Haag (Studio B)
Entree: Gratis
Maximaal 150 deelnemers
Voor de workshop is ruimte voor max. 20 deelnemers. Inschrijven gewenst
Out Now! Our FIRST book, in Dutch!
February 25, 2019
“Een schitterend, indrukwekkend verhaal. Een prachtig boek om te lezen voor mensen die van uitdagingen houden. "De ultieme uitdaging" had ook een mooie titel voor dit boek kunnen zijn.”
J. Ridderhof
De Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) is 4600 kilometer aan één stuk wandelen waarbij je zes maanden lang in een klein ultralicht tentje slaapt. Dat is nogal wat. Hoe begin je daar aan? Wat doet het met je? Hoe is het om te leven alsof je in een cocon zit; afgesloten van de buitenwereld met alleen jezelf en de natuur? Zoals de pure verwondering die je meemaakt tijdens de superheldere nachten waarbij je constant het melkwegstelsel ziet. De prachtige gekleurde vogels en bloemen. Of de ontmoetingen met slangen en beren. Je maakt het van dichtbij mee. Pijn, uitputting, verdriet, depressie en jezelf weer terugvinden zijn ook onderdeel van deze tocht. Het is dan ook niet gek dat jaarlijks slechts 20% van de deelnemers het volbrengt.
Dit is ons verhaal van onze belevenissen op de Pacific Crest Trail. 4600 km wandelen dwars door de wildernis van Amerika. Van Mexico naar Canada.
Het is een verhaal vol passie, avontuur, liefde, hoop, humor, angst, uitputting, pijn, verdriet, euforie, verwondering en inspiratie.
De hoofdstukken wisselen qua perspectief. Het ene verhaal wordt door de ogen van André beleefd. Het volgende door die van Lian. Het levert een boeiend verhaal op van twee verschillende mensen die samen de meest prachtige avonturen beleven.
“Diep respect. Ik werd hier volledig ontroerd en stil van. Een grote achtbaan van avonturen en emoties.” A.Tak
“De pure kracht van doorzetten en overwinnen. Een en al inspiratie. Wat een karakters.” C. Embrechts
Eerste editie
ISBN / EAN 9789463455602: Leesboek
ISBN / EAN 9789463455619: Speciale uitgave in kleur met veel foto's en gekleurde kaarten
Our NKBV lecture was an overwhelming succes!
January 20, 2019
Recently we were invited by the NKBV (Royal Dutch Mountaineering Society), to be speakers at their annual member’s day. Which was yesterday. And it was an overwhelming success.
We gave a lecture about ultra-lightweight hiking with as main theme the Pacific Crest Trail. The room they arranged could only hold 120 people. But there were so many people that wanted to be at our lecture, that the room was quickly filled with 200 people. They were sitting on the floor and on tables. A lot of them were standing. For safety reasons the organization had to close the door. But outside were still 200+ people who wanted to get in. Some even came from other countries.
The lecture went great and we received many nice words from people who got inspired. Which made us very happy.
So, thanks to all that attended and for your good questions. We hope the information we gave will help you on your next journey!
For all who unfortunately had to miss it. The NKBV asked us to give the lecture again in march. We don’t know the date and location yet.
Our FIRST book, in Dutch, will be released very soon!
January 18, 2019
You can pre-order it now!
“Een schitterend, indrukwekkend verhaal. Een prachtig boek om te lezen voor mensen die van uitdagingen houden. "De ultieme uitdaging" had ook een mooie titel voor dit boek kunnen zijn.”
J. Ridderhof
Dit is ons verhaal van onze belevenissen op de Pacific Crest Trail. 4600 km wandelen dwars door de wildernis van Amerika. Van Mexico naar Canada.
Het is een verhaal vol passie, avontuur, liefde, hoop, humor, angst, uitputting, pijn, verdriet, euforie, verwondering en inspiratie.
De hoofdstukken wisselen qua perspectief. Het ene verhaal wordt door de ogen van André beleefd. Het volgende door die van Lian. Het levert een boeiend verhaal op van twee verschillende mensen die samen de meest prachtige avonturen beleven.
“Diep respect. Ik werd hier volledig ontroerd en stil van. Een grote achtbaan van avonturen en emoties.” A.Tak
“De pure kracht van doorzetten en overwinnen. Een en al inspiratie. Wat een karakters.” C. Embrechts
Our new hiking movie: Corsica GR20, the toughest trail in Europe
December 31, 2017
We finished our new hiking movie: Corsica GR20, the toughest trail in Europe. We have been showing it on the big screens in Belgium and the Netherlands and got really great reviews. Now you can enjoy it too on our YouTube channel. Enjoy it and please leave a comment if you liked it.
Cooking with CookieMonster video series is now online!
July 30, 2017
Lian (CookieMonster) has been working hard. She created a great funny video series on how to make and cook great nutrios lightweight backpacking meals for the backcountry. Every saturday a new episode will be released. She just uploaded 3, to get you started. Check them out!
Bhutan: the Jomolhari trek
June 25, 2017
Bhutan, an awesome place to hike. And that's what we did. Check out our latest movie: The Jomolhari trek.
This 8 days hike in the Himalaya is one of the best hikes we have ever done. It is part of the famous Snowman trek. Absolutely gorgeous. The first 3,5 minutes is about the temples etc. around the starting point (the guides will take you there). After that it's all about hiking really big mountains, high altitude, culture, a meeting with the prime minister and the Prince of Bhutan, beautiful nature and a lot of fun on the trail. Oh, and did we mention AWESOME views :-)
New: Lightweight gear section.
April 16, 2017
We get a lot of questions about camping and hiking.
So we decided to create a blog section where you can find lot's of usefull info, tips, tricks & best practises on hiking, camping, gear, gadgets and all kinds of other stuff.
If you have a question, let us know! We might write a blog about it :-)
Colorado Trail section added to the site
February 21, 2017
For all the hikers that like to know more about the Colorado Trail
We added a whole new section about it on our site. Check it out. You can see our video, find links to great resources (preperation, apps...) and can see and download beatifull photo's.
Our movie "It's only a mountain when you're down below' is now online!
December 27, 2016
Our Colorado trail movie: "It's only a mountain when you're down below" is now online.
It's an adventure, nature, history, hiking movie which shows you day by day the awesomeness of the trail and the fun we had while hiking it. Enjoy!
Bear info added
July 16, 2016
We got several questions on how to deal with bears.
So especially for you we decided to create a whole section on our website about bears, bear encounters, how to camp in the middle of them, what to do if they attack you etc. Plus some great photos of our own personal bear encounters. These include black, grizzly and polar bears. If you still have any questions, dont hesitate to contact us!
Thru hike lecture
April 28, 2016
We just gave a lecture in the Netherlands about long distance Thru Hiking and showed our Pacific Crest Trail movie. There was a big audience and we got a standing ovation when it was finished. Which made us really happy. If you would like to see the movie, click on the button below.
Pacific Crest trail Impressions video series
April 23, 2016
To help you prepare for the Pacific Crest Trail, we created a 29 episode video series.
This series is a great resource on the PCT. For research on sections and getting a general idea of the area and terrain. But also if you are curious to see what the hikers see.
2 times a week a new episode will be released on wednesday and friday. The entire trail will be reveiled during the spring and summer of 2016. So stay tuned!